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Follow Us!
Instagram: cuhs_updates
TikTok: @cuhsspartans
Twitter: @cuhs_updates
Snapchat: cuhstrue2blue
YouTube: Spartan4Life
Associated Student Body (ASB)
Welcome to Central!
Welcome to Central!
Our ASB Office is open 7:30am - 3:45pm daily.
Follow our daily bulletin and social media accounts for important information!
ASB Calendar
ASB Calendar
SENIOR INFO for Class of 2025
SENIOR INFO for Class of 2025
13: All Senior meeting and picture (during advisory in gym)
16: Order cap and gowns (Balfour @ lunch)
1: Winter Homecoming Dance
14: Cream Puff vs. SW @CUHS (TBD)
13: Final, FINAL, FINAL day to order cap and gowns (Balfour @ lunch)
5??: High School Madness @ IV Fairgrounds (TBD)
__: CAST Science
__: Cap & Gown Distribution (TBD)
__: Senior Cap & Gown pictures (during Gov/Econ class) (TBD)
30: Senior Picnic
3: Prom at IV Fairgrounds
12: Senior Awards @ 6pm in the CUHS GYM
19: Swim Team Banquet
__: Chorus Banquet - MPR
23: Senior Grades Due
__: Law Academy Banquet
22: Senior Sunset
23: Hello-Goodbye Assembly
23: Last day for CTE seating requests to the ASB office* (applies to those completing multiple pathways or High Honors AND CTE) -
28 - 29: Grad Nite @ Disneyland (limited sports available)
__: Gear Up - Senior workshops: IVC/UC/CSU/Financial Aid/Military Panel
30: Senior Movie Day @ Movies
02: Senior Pool Party
03: Senior Breakfast in MPR
04: Graduation Practice @ 8am* (practice is mandatory to get graduation tickets)
04: Graduation @ 8pm (Tickets required for entry)
ASB Officers & Commissioners
ASB Officers & Commissioners
2025 Student Leadership Information
2025 Student Leadership Information
Class of 2024: Senior Awards
Class of 2024: Senior Awards
Stay Informed!
Stay Informed!
College and Career:
Check out our Career Technical Education (CTE) pathways and toolkit!
Follow our announcements on social media:
Instagram: cuhs_updates
Twitter: @cuhs_updates
Snapchat: cuhstrue2blue
Tic Tok: @cuhsspartans
YouTube: Spartan4Life
Facebook: Central Union High School
Facebook: Central Union High School District
SpartanSound Productions
SpartanSound Productions
Yellow Ribbon Club:
Yellow Ribbon Club:
ASB Information Page
2024 - 25 Class Officers:
Class of 2025 advisors: Mrs. Galindo and Mrs. Cordova
Senior Class President: Diego Quevedo
VP: Lorenzo Valenzuela
Treasurer: Arianna Peraza
Secretary: Ella Suboh
Class of 2026: Adviosr: Mrs. Romo
Junior Class President: Dahlila Bernal
Class of 2027: Adviosr: Ms. Vizcaino
Sophomore Class Preseident: Leah Rivera
VP: Dalilah RomeroTreasurer
Freshmen Class President:
Club Information
Check out our NEW CLUB SITE!
Clubs and Advisors
Chorus Club: Mr Gaede
AVID Club: Ms. Rodriguez
FCA: Mr Holbrook
FIRST Robotics Club Meeting: Mr. A Ortiz
FX Make-up Club: Ms. Bondora
Garden Club: on hiatus
Green Team Meeting: Mrs. Macholtz
HOSA Club: Mrs. Quintero and Ms. Del Valle
Magic Club Meeting: Mr. Bartman
Mexican-American Club Meeting: Mrs Moreno and Mrs. N. Vega
Mock Trial: Ms. Vizcaino
Pawsitivity Meetings: Mr Agundez
Podcast Club: Mr. Gaede and Dr. Tacke
Robotics Club: Mr. Ortiz and Mr. JP Garcia
Science Club: Dr. Rueda
Tabletop Gaming Club/Dungeons & Dragons: Ms. Claverie
Yellow Ribbon Club Meeting: Mrs Pineiro and Mrs. Campos
Class Advisors
Class of 2024: Ms. Vizcaino
Class of 2025: Mrs. Cordova & Mrs. Galindo
Class of 2026: Mrs. Bondora
Class of 2027: Mrs Avila
Athletic Clubs
Baseball Club: AD Mr. Wise & Coach Martin
Basketball Club: AD Mr. Wise & Coach McClain
Basketball Club: AD Mr. Wise & Coach Staton
Flag Footbal Club: AD Mr. Wise & Coaches
Football Club: Coach Pena
Golf Club: Coach T. Fusi
Soccer Club: AD Mr. Wise & Coach Lopez
Soccer Club: AD Mr. Wise & Coach Garcia
Softball Club: Coach M. Fusi
Swim Club: Coach Holder
Track Club: AD Mr. Wise & Coach Hernandez
Volleyball Clubs: AD Mr. Wise & Coach Lopez
Wrestling Club: AD Mr. Wise & Coach Sanchez
Club Documents:
Club Application
Expected Budget
Sample Constitution
Sample Meeting Minutes
Activity Request
Club Requests:
What clubs would you like to see on campus?? Check out ARC on Instagram to find more clubs on camps. If you want to start a new club, contact Ms. McFadden for inforamtion on club advisors and recruiting members.
***Advisor Meeting Presentations: Fundraising Clubs & Service Clubs
CLASS of 2024/25/26/27 Information
CLASS meetings are being organized! follow the student bulletin for more info.
Please make sure you are signed up for the google classrooms organized by our CUHS class advisorts for important announcements. They also have class REMIND threads and a social media account on Instagram @cuhs_counseling
Class of 2025/2026 / 2027/2028 - We will continue to follow Health, State and Federal directives and will post updates as we get them. Stay safe, Spartans!
Class of 2025: Seniors
Upcoming Events:
*August 16: Senior ID pictures
*August 16: 9-11th ID and yearbook pictures
*August 30: Yearbook special price $70
*October 19: Fall Homecoming Dance
*Nov 14: Senior Pictures*December: Grad Nite Deposits DUE
*Jan 16: Graduation cap & gown order forms DUE
*Feb 8: Winter homecoming Dance
*February: All senior meeting and picture
*February 11: FINAL Balfour visit @ lunch
*March 5: High School Madness
*April: Graduation cap & Gown photos
*May 3: Prom
*May 28: Grad nite at Disneyland and CA Adventure
Class of 2026: Juniors
*JUNIORS must attend class meetings to organize Prom and nominate the Prom court.
Class of 2027: Sophomores
*SOPHOMORES organize the Winter Homecoming Dance for January/February
Class of 2028: Freshmen
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What is a clearance card and why do I need one?
A: All students interested in participating in sports or extra-curricular activities need to be cleared on the website
Q: How do I request a poster?
A: Go to the CUHS ASB office and pick up a poster request form. Return the completed form with payment and pick up your poster in approximately 3 days.
Q: What services does our Spartan Library offer?
A: Finding & checking out a book, using the article database, computers and printing options, help finding resources
Q: What clubs does Central have on campus?
A: There are a variety of clubs including AcaDec, Green Team, Mock Trial, Pawsitivity, Robotics, and more!
Q: What are the Expected School-wide Learning Results?
A: We are S.P.A.R.T.A!
Q: What is Central's history?
Q: How can we increase school spirit?
A: Get involved: join a club, join a sport, attend events, be active on campus!
Q: How do students check and clear absences?
A: Check your portal, go to the Attendance office, go to Saturday School
Q: What is ASB and what do they do?
A: The Associated Student Body (ASB) are student leaders on campus.
Q: What do students learn in the Child Care program?
A: Proper care of infants, personal care, life skills
ASB Videos
2019 - 20 Videos:
Bell Game
City Champs
2018 - 19 Videos:
February Recap
January Recap
Winter Sports
CIF Semi-Finals
CIF Quarterfinals
October Recap
Introducing Fall Sports
SPARTA Games Spirit Week
Welcome to Sparta!
Football is coming to Sparta August 17!
2017-18 Videos:
Spartan Chants
Club Fair
Sparty's Party
August Recap
September Recap
October Recap
November Recap
December/January Recap
February Recap
Winter Wish Recap
Battle for Sparta!
March Recap
ESLR Videos
We are:
Socially Conscious
Problem Solvers
Technologically Literate
Analytical Thinkers
2017 - 2018 ESLR Award Recipients